zondag 8 augustus 2010

Laying Track - Part I

online club It�s been a little while since my last update, and it might seem like not much has been done, however this is not the case. I�ve spent most of the time since my last update planning the wiring in more detail as well as the design of the main control box. I have a diagram drawn up, but I need to make a few changes before I post it on here. As for the actual layout, I�ve been working on attaching the track to the roadbed, as well as installing the terminal connectors to each isolated track section. Below are the 60 degree crossing as well as the right side curves and trestle. I have not yet attached to track to the trestle or bride as they still need to be finished with paint and stain.

60 degree rail crossingTrack installation

In the next photo are the remaining 4 turnouts that will be at the front of the layout. They have been measured about 10 times to make sure they fit, along with assorted Atlas track pieces. I will attach these track pieces last as I want to complete the rear sections first and not have to lean over the delicate switches all the time. At this time I have also laid the descending track from the trestle to the 60 degree crossing. This part is the one the worries me the most. I have tested this with an old Canadian Pacific engine it works fine, however it isn�t prototypical at all and I haven�t tested it with cars. I will just hope for the best. Also notice in the background track right before the bridge the terminal connector wires coming below the track and though the main benchwork.

New Atlas Mark 4 turnoutsNew Atlas Mark 4 turnouts

As for the left side of the layout, the curve of the figure-8 is complete, leaving the outer main curve as the last large section of track that needs to be completed (other than the front section). This entire curve will be flex track. Also notice my new track bumpers that will be used at the ends of the staging area and soon-to-be turn table. I also built my own terminal connectors by soldering bare wire to the bottom of track connectors. I have installed a bunch on the layout already, and they hide great. I did this by drilling holes the width of the wire right beside the track, right through the roadbed then running the wire through to the underside of the table. They are almost impossible to see.

Track installation on left side of layoutHandmade terminal joiners

I will be working on the remaining track and start wiring during the next few weeks. Under-table switches, turn table, and the control box are also on the list for things to start working on.

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